Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Things Than Make My Marriage a Happier Place Pt1

These are a few things that I have found make my marriage a happier place. Now, this is a combination of what I've learned from my marriage to my late husband(16 years together), my current husband, books workshops, seminars, counseling and coaching. So all in all, I've been plugging away at this "happy relationship" thing for over 20 years of my life. This is an overview of some of the main things that make my marriage a happy place to be. I hope you enjoy and find it helpful. BTW there is a Part 2 posted on my YouTube channel. I will be posting it here next week but if you want a sneak peak go over and check it out

Thanks for stopping by. If your marriage is not such a "happy place" these days feel free to contact me for a free Relationship Coaching consultation. You can get more info on Relationship Coaching by visiting my website at and you can always email me a Happy Holidays and may your Relationships be full of love, warmth and happiness! Until next time.............Crystal

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