Friday, January 1, 2010

We Have The Lives We Choose

Happy New Year!!! What better topic to start 2010 off with than our choices? We actually do have the lives we choose. I know, I know, sometimes it can feel like life just happens to us, but I want to challenge that idea. Take a quick look back over your life and look at a particular choice you made. How did it effect your life? Maybe you feel you made the best decision, maybe it wasn't the best choice. The point is you got to choose. Realizing that we have the power of choice gives us freedom to, thoughtfully and pro-actively create the lives and relationships that we want.

I offer FREE sample coaching sessions. Sessions are done over the phone, so distance is not an issue. If you are interested you can go to my website or you can email me at




  1. Oh yes! So true. As I think, it is freeing to know that I have the choice, CHOICE, to live more joyfully, with less conflict and sadness. How awesome it is to know! Yes, more responsibility, but it gives me the right to control what the next conversation I have could be. A negative/memory inducing stress? Or a peaceful, positive and smart step towards maturity and love?

    Lovin' these videos! Keep it coming ;)


  2. Thank you so much O.F.C.J. for your comment. You are so encouraging. I always look forward to what you are going to say. Be blessed in the new year :-)!

